Most design strategies are tailored to suit a specific controls philosophy to achieve each respective clients’ requirements. These can be in the most simple form of a timeclock and room thermostat or a sophisticated Integrated BMS Control system allowing front end user interface via either a touchscreen built into an overall control panel fascia or a front end PC many of which are accessed around the world by modern interrogation and monitoring.
- Duct / Room / Pipe Temperature sensors to control various set points
- Pressure differential sensors for AHU fan / flue dilution fan fail / pump fail / filter blockage.
- Gas / oil solenoid valves / thermal links interlocked with fire systems / emergency stop button.
- Humidity sensors
- Enthalpy sensors alarms
- Water storage tank high and low level float switch
- 2, 3 and 4 port motorised valves
- Motorised damper actuators
- Lighting etc, the options being numerous
In all instances controls are fully communicated and demonstrated including full client teaching on completion.